Blog Post Ideas For Your Website
Have a blog on your website but stuck on what to actually write?
There are a lot of types of content that blue-collar professionals should be writing about on their websites. The type depends on the industry, but there are some commonalities.
For example, if you are in the construction industry, then you may want to talk about how to build a deck or how to paint your house's exterior. If you own an auto repair shop, then you might write about why it is important for people to keep their car maintained and what things they can do themselves at home.
Regardless of your area of expertise, I hope I can help give you ideas of content you should be publishing regularly on your website.
Publish How-To Guides
This type of content is especially popular in the construction industry.
This is valuable content for those who are new to the field and want to learn more about it, as well as people looking to hire someone with your expertise.
You can publish how-to guides on all sorts of topics from painting walls to installing laminate flooring. This one will be sure not to go out of date.
Publish Tips & Tricks
Tips and tricks are also quite common among blue-collar professionals. You can cover a lot of ground by providing advice on various aspects such as time management or safety tips at work.
For example, if you're an electrician, then you might share some helpful hints to help readers understand your profession better.
Create In-Depth Buying Guides
Buying guides are a great way to help people make smart purchases.
For example, if you sell sheds then you might want to share with your readers the different features of each shed and which ones bring more value than others. Lay out the pros and cons to their different options. Ultimately, your buyers will thank you for it.
Publish Informational Articles
Some blue-collar professionals create informational articles about their profession that provide detailed information on subjects such as what types of tools they use or how they measure up against competitors in terms of hours worked per week.
Informational articles are widely used by consumers before they make an important purchasing decision.
Publish Industry News When Relevant
If you are in the construction industry, then it would be helpful to post news about your industry when relevant.
Industry news might include new product releases or updates on legislation that affect how they do their jobs. The more up-to-date information people have, the better decisions they can make for themselves and their families.
Publish Blog Posts That Address Basic Questions
Many blue-collar professionals get a lot of basic questions from readers who want them to answer something specific such as what is required before someone can work with you. Or where should they go if I need this type of service but don't know anyone in their area?
If these types of questions come up often enough for you, then consider publishing blog posts that address them.
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Creating engaging content is a major part of search engine optimization (SEO), and it's a part of my specialty as an online marketing expert. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation.